The I Ching (Classic of Changes or Book of Changes), also known as the Yi Jing, Yijing, or I Ging. "I" 易 (yì) used as an adjective, means "easy" or "simple", whilst as a verb it indicates "change" or "the exchange or substitution of one thing for another". "Ching" 經 (jīng) here means "classic works". The symbols used are one of the oldest form of divination over 5000 years old. Also known as the Zhou Yi周易, and has certainly come a long way in achieving a dominant influence in Chinese culture inspiring famous thinkers, scientists, mathematicians and philosophers like Lao Zi and Confucius to name a few. Even until this current millennium the I Ching is still maintaining its popularity and the most sought-after among millions through its role in astrology, geomancy, medical theory and fortune-telling .
In the I Ching the most logic Yīn阴 and Yáng阳 would come to mind almost instantaneously, with the common sequence of Eight Trigrams八卦 Bā Guà and Five Elements. Numerology is part and parcel of the I Ching where numbers are used in the Magic Square of Three when with fusion and combination of the Eight Trigrams and 64 Hexagrams, produces an enlightening magical results in a straight forward, objective and with the least psychic of all forms of divination. The basic principle at the root of the I Ching is the alignment of the cosmic order and human nature to be in a balance harmony.
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八卦 Bā Guà (Eight Trigrams) |
Symbols are used to represent Yīn阴 and Yáng阳 which are called "line". The 'full' line represents Yáng and the 'broken' line represents Yīn. Yáng is associated to masculine, active, creative, bright and hard. Symbols of Yáng阳 are sun, fire, red color, south, the dragon, mercury and all odd numbers. Yīn is the opposite of Yáng which is feminine, passive, receptive, soft and dark. Symbols of Yīn阴 are moon, water, tiger, clouds, turtle, black color, lead, north and all even numbers.
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Chart of Life Links and Five Elements 五行wǔxíng |
The common memory jogs :
Wood feeds Fire;
Fire creates Earth ;
Earth bears Metal;
Metal carries Water (as in a bucket or tap);
Water nourishes Wood.
Wood parts Earth (such as roots; or, Trees can prevent soil erosion);
Earth absorbs (or muddies) Water;
Water quenches Fire;
Fire melts Metal;
Metal chops Wood.
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The Zhou Yi encompasses the way of heaven, earth and man hence the six lines form a Hexagram |
42 Bunchesஇ:
totally blur & lost :)
Btw sometimes the google chrome display malware warning when hop to your site?
MRC இ Better to be totally blur than half blur like me haha..yeah I know got malware somehow gotten from other blogger's site. What can be done here? tQ
Goodness... half way thru and I'm already lost! I bet Panda is good in these stuffs! :D
lol! i know all these but not the pro yet! hehe
Merryn இ you are not alone haha.. leave out the trigrams at least now we do know I Ching has the ability to correspond with the binary arithmetics and the 64 codons of DNA with the 64 Hexagrams. Imagine all these has been studied way back 5000 years ago. That's amazing!
Caroline இ yeah! Fast fast help Bananaz to decipher the gua please. How to read the lines and broken lines in the trigrams tQ.
Am lost in the woods! Talking about elements, An ayurvedic dr says I have the water and wind elements in me!! Now I know a bit more about myself. LOL
Keats இ sorry lah the blind leading the blind..
Kelvin இ me too..@_@ woh! We will just have to PUSH ~ Pray Until Something Happen..haha
wow, bro.. did you wrote this post yourself or you copy and paste from somewhere else?? hahaha, ok lah ok lah, or perhaps you assemble a few sources into a single post.. i have to say, this is a very informative one!!!
yeah, it's actually very interesting to know how I-Ching actually works.. and you can actually toss your coins and match them with the 64 symbols in I-Ching and then kind of do some fortune telling.. that's cool right??
there are books that teach you all the things about I-Ching, and i have flipped through some and really interesting knowledge if you are really keen on learning..
when you are ready, remember to get yourself a 八卦, and also few ancient coins and a tortoise shell~~ :p
yikes... got lost... figures are sorry
what a show..
Happy Monday.
Thanks for the comments or encouragements in my blog.
stay blessed.
Take good care.
Fuyoh! You are getting more and more advance. Confucius spent most of his entire life interpretting, practicing and teaching the principles and philosophy of I-Ching. As I know I-Ching is the book of the secrets of the universe handed down from heaven to an ancient emperor thousands of years ago when civilisation just began.
Maybe Confucious is the only person who did not get confused over the I-Ching and sometimes, Confucious confuses me, haha.
My first general read and encounter with the contents of the I-Ching, I discovered that "The more I know the more I know what I don't know".
I'll definite get back to read in more detail 'cos I'm in a hurry now. Cheers!
Are you sure Leibniz was really inspired by the Eight Trigrams? Maybe it's just the BS of Chinese, who like to claim that they invented everything.
i understand feng shui but only the simple ones.
Me too... I'm old confused. Dunno all these things and brain old already - cannot digest.
I am always impressed by the Chinese and I Ching! 5000 years ago these fellas are so smart leh. These days we are so lazy and dependent on google for everything!! Thanks for telling me more about I Ching. I think I wanna go study it...
i read it a few times the cartoon version lar, the real stuffs lar still cannot understand, very deep leh but if can master har, waa jiak buey liao ar hahaa
[SK] இ Would take this as a compliment that means I copy my thoughts and paste them here haha..Most of them are through 'research' pick up bits & pieces here and there. Only scrapped the surface way more to go. Okie shall get those items you mentioned meaning you gonna lead me through? Where to get them in the 1st place? hehe tQ
Blue இ not to worry at least you know this two words called I-Ching existed.
Jingle இ tQ happy Monday over here is Tuesday. cheers
Autumn Belle இ Is this mentioned in the I-Ching like what you said ~ "The more I know the more I know what I don't know" haha. Yeah you will be busy preparing for your 23rd wedding anniversary holiday. Bon Voyage.
khengsiong இ positive! checked and rechecked try google the net..also mentioned in wikipedia as well.
wenn இ feng shui uses the numerology
suituapui இ not tuned and no interest to it as yet so cannot penetrate the skull haha
Twilight இ Yup amazing minds of 5000 year ago..Please study more and share with us..tQ
Manglish இ jiak buey liao fatt tatt loh haha.. master it and start you own fengshui school, getting very popular nowadays yeah!
iching contains the secrets of universe.. but i guess i will never know, becos totally lost after the first paragraph.
Spicy Mother இ tQ for dropping by sorry you went off course and lost after the first paragraph. Take some time to digest.
I remember some years ago my mum was totally into I Ching. It's a fascinating concept, one could probably explore it for years.
super chim! I'm getting a headache frm reading all these!
MKL இ not that easy to pick up especially for bananaz who know nuts about reading Chinese.
dblchin இ tQ for dropping by yeah headache and super chim eh..haha
too complicated for me to understand.
Life Ramblings இ you're not alone not many do understand or like this topic..cheers tQ
Quotes are from wise men:
The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. ... Socrates
The more you know, the less you understand. ... Lao-Tse
The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn? ... George Bernard Shaw
‘The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.’ ... Albert Einstein
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The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.
So, I do not really consider it may have effect.
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