This Chinese character is 'mā ' ie Mother. Why*Ask*Why again! Can someone please be kind enough to enlighten us how this character came into being as on the left is a 'lady' and 'horse' is next to her? Does that mean to be a Mother must have the strength & energy of a powerful horse so as to keep the household running in order?
A special dedication to my Mama. Have been listening to my mama's advice ever since I was little and very glad and happy to follow them religiously to a 'T' until this very day. Being illiterate does not deter her to part her wisdom into living a righteous life. Her upbringing then may be outdated or obsolete now and may not be applicable anymore to the new Generation Y or Z. Nevertheless the underlying fundamental principles would have strong values.
The Mom Song
1. On Sex Education:
Bananaz: Mama how was I born?
Mama: *blushing* Errrr err.. you came from a stone manifested by the Monkey God.
Bananaz: Believed every word Mama says even thought the stone came from Jupiter.
2. On Dentistry:
Need not have to visit any dentist at all until primary school. Her special tool ~ the #10 sewing thread where she circled a few rounds the tooth with a knot and with a jerk would uproot it easily and painlessly.
3. On Don't Waste Food:
Mama: Don't you ever waste food by throwing any rice away 'Thunder God' will strike you anytime. Eat until the bowl is clean without a single grain of rice else you get married to someone with an ugly face full of acnes and pimples.
4. On Sharing:
Mama: Must learn how to share especially toys and sweets and not be selfish else you will definitely be very scared to cross the bridge to the other side.
5. On Never Laugh at unfortunate People:
Mama: If you see any handicapped people without arm or leg, under privileged or unfortunate people DO NOT laugh/gossip at them.
6. On Filial Piety:
Mama: Must always respect the elders else you make 'Thunder God' angry and there goes the thunder and lightning. Before meals must say papa eat rice, mama eat rice, *por por* grandma eat rice or whoever is at the dinner table 'so and so' eat rice. Must always serve a cup of Chinese tea to grandma after every meal when she comes over for dinner.
7. On Don't Be Greedy & Don't Steal:
Mama: Remember the story of the snake and elephant story? 人心不足蛇吞象 [rén xīn bùzú shé tūn xiàng]. That will also include not taking things that do not belong to you as that equals to stealing.
Bananaz: Amazing for Mama to teach me Chinese idiom at such an early age. This idiom literally means "people's heart not enough, snake swallow elephant". One must be contented and be moderate and not be greedy as it is virtually impossible for a snake to swallow an elephant.
8. On Manners:
Mama: If you go visiting to people's house must acknowledge the presence of those in the house and to wish all of them one by one and do the same when leaving the house to say good bye to one by one. Think eight is enough gotta end here else its never ending.
Lots of hugs and kisses to all Mothers and A Happy Mother's Day. Cherish the precious moments.

70 Bunchesஇ:
I remembered the Monkey God story! :D You told me before :)
the thread for the loose tooth, just like my Dad :)
haha merryn so fast
that's so sweet Bananaz.. your mom must be really proud to have you..
@ 1 .. haha so true.. it reminds me of my child hood days
@2.. ouvh.. that hurts...will not try that haha
@3.. LOL,, well my mom told us that each grain is a fairy and wasting them will make them cry.. and then they will call their queen to punish us haha
@4.. sharing is caring as what they say haha
@5.. so true..
@6.. i wonder what chinese tea taste like?
@7.. i agree with that greediness will bring you nothing but devilness..
@8.. i think that's what every mom teaches us... good manner and right conduct
LOL... I'm not exactly a mother material. I'm more to an evil stepmum material. I scare my boy often enough so that he'll listen to me. Like... if he dun finish his food, i'll send him to Africa and starve. Bad, rite? But it works...for a while. LOL...
I actually still feel a lil' foolish for believing all the frightful tales told to me during those toddler years. LOLZ One constant tale told was not to shake legs, else they would fall off...and i believed! Kids nowadays are certainly wittier than us and not easily fooled, right? lolz
Happy Mothers Day! I'm sure you pass the job with flying colours! ;)
My mum always said i am picked from the rubbish bin whenever i asked her where and how i came from lol.
auwww so sweet.. :)) especially the last song. love it so much. :)
LOL!!! They taught the song in kindy! Happy Mother's Day to all... My post on it tomorrow - the actual day!
great mommy advice - remember them and we are gonna be alright:)) Mothers,we love ya!
thx! Happy Mother's Day to yr mum!
Thank you, reading this just reminded me of something,,, thank you once again, my friend
Heard some of the stories when i was young too..hahahaha
another one is..dont point at the moon or the moon will come and cut the ears at night
Merryn ക you're 1st sorry Bananaz not in FC club. Oh you remebered the Monkey God story which I posted during your Semenyih trip. Dad has his tooth pulled the 'tradtional' way? Cool. manglish may not be happy to read this haha..tQ
bluedreamer27 ക each grain of rice is a fairy. guess the old folks do have their ways. Chinese tea tastes like tea haha. Just like any kind of English tea, try taking it without sugar then its quite close. tQ
cleffairy ക oh he would love to go S Africa now to watch World Cup if given a choice which part of Africa haha. Depends on children some react to soft approach better and some just the opposite need rod and total fear. Parents would put fear in us if we are not goodie by calling Police. tQ
Gratitude ക that's hindsight back then too naive to think logic as kids. Have a different version of shaking legs, we cant shake legs all the pro$perity shaken away..haha. Happy Mother's Day. tQ
Kelvin ക you got picked up from the rubbish bin? haha. Who knows you might be the next Slumdog Millionaire lol. tQ
Caroline Ng ക a very touching Chinese old song and has a very good meaning. glad you like it. tQ
suituapui ക yeah a very meaningful song indeed, shall hop over your blog tomorrow. ~;) tQ
Keats ക another old chinese saying if we don't heed the old folks' advice our loss would be right under our nose. tQ
Wenn ക thankz loving all moms.
eugene ക most welcome. Why suddenly something special triggers your mind thinking about mom? Go for it! tQ.
smallkuching ക The old folks would not have many choices of stories or fears so more or less quite similiar. Yes ear cutting story heard the same too. The mind is very powerful and you actually feels the pain right? Tell this to your boy now he'll probably say "mom you're alright? with so many rockets landing at the moon this could'nt be true!" hahaaaa padan muka. tQ
your Mother's eight commandments and u fulfill all of them, right? good boy!
reanaclaire ക fulfilling 8 is easy more to come continue next year hahaha...tQ.
happy mother day to u :)
thanks alot for the sharing :)
and for u and all the beloved mothers, i did some little googling to answer ur question heheee...
here is the answer that i found that i think quite logical:
basically it means the 妈 consists of 2 parts,
1)女- means female/mother, it probably evolved from diagram of a breast (with milk oozing out=mother), and second possibility- it actually looks like a female sitting in squat position (like the japanese style).
2)马-horse, but this part was adopted to extract the pronounciation of the word.
the happy go lucky one ക that's so nice of you to throw in some light on Why*Ask*Why. Oh dear! I can read the Chinese wordings but only 5% and that's sporadically thus cannot comprehend anything at all *sobs*. Thankz for the translation, oh so the 女 meaning 'female' is a sketch of lady's physique. Interesting! yeah I can see she is like standing, crossing her legs a popular ladies posture. So the horse has no special purpose and not to say being a mother she needed all the horsepower that's why a horse is there for her? *my guess* haha. tQ once again appreciate it very much. Xie xie.
First, i wish you happy mother's day to your mum.
I am really enjoy the mummy song.
She is great - have long gas to sing out a non-stop song. very geng.
beside, this is the first time i watch this shi shang Zhi you mama hao MTV in my life.
when i am kid, i know to sing this song but never ever watch the Mtv.
Cool. thank for sharing.
Actually, your mama is lie to you on the On Sex Education
You are not from a stone manifested by the monkey God for sure.
You are from a banana tree for sure! Believe me, i not lie to you.
On Don't Waste Food
Dont believe this... i guess you are still single - you try to throwing any rice away... start from now...
i am sure you will marry a damn pretty wife...
Try it! Never try never know.
Glad to be back, Missed Ya!
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
On the 女 meaning for 'female', the older generation teachers used to say that it is drawn like a person carrying a burden on the shoulders (the horizontal stroke). Those days, women had to do a lot of manual work, particularly house work.
Did your mother ever tell you that she has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice?
To your pretty and wise mother, Happy Mothers Day!
CH Voon ക thankz for your wishes, glad you enjoyed the mom song. Yes she got lots of 'gas' to last that 2mins plus song.
'Shi shang zhi you mama hao' MTV is very touching and meaningful. Whoa you brightened up my Sunday morning was lol with your telling I came not from a stone but banana hehe. Think you are right lah..hahaha.
Oh no! don't waste food even my mama is 'wrong' would not throw rice away coz food is God to me. Face with or without pimples does not matter heart must be good right? Bananaz will marry 'mango'*mango is for Chinese coz outside & inside yellow mah*. Mango teaches Bananaz Chinese/Mandarin and Bananaz teaches Mango Engrrrish. Very good partnership? Have a great weekend. tQ
Cloudia ക Aloha from Malaysia. Happy Mother's Day. tQ
Autumn Belle ക Thankz for explaining the word. Ya pity the women in the olden days like becoming a 'maid' after they get married *seeing lots of movies* haha. Yes my mama did say that before but not that often. Heard of people saying 'I walked more bridges than you walk the road'. Recently [SK] jokingly said 'he ate more buggers than me eating rice' haha. Happy Mother's Day. tQ
When my sister was 5 years old, my mother jokingly told her that she was born in longkang and we found her there. The next day, she told her teacher that she is from longkang!
our mother's way of teaching us always make us a better person.
Ghosty Nana ക born in longkang she told her teacher that gee!!! come to think of it sometimes it is not easy to answer this question 'how was I born?'. Think the new Generation-Z will ask this 'mom where did you download me from, Google or Yahoo? OR 'mom what was my gigabyte when you downloaded me, Nana told me her's was 5GB? mom *pengsan* hahaha. tQ
happy mother's day to all mothers
Bengbeng ക yeah tonight will be a full house for most restaurants coz the mamas are gonna to be pampered. happy mother's day. tQ
Mamas has certainly done a lot for all of us. :)
Happy Mother's Day! :)
Tekkaus ക it is impossible for a mothers not to love their children. You can still do prayers and transfer of merits to her. tQ
Mei Teng ക Happy Mother's Day to your mama. Hope she had a wonderful time and dinner on Friday with the family. tQ
haha, yeah, i wonder where does the word 媽 comes from?? let me know if you ever find the answer.. :)
haha, you are right, there's always those "myth" that every mom has told her children, be it scientific or not, i must say those words are intended for the good of the kids..
i remember some of those "myth" you mentioned.. and have you watch the HK movie "Echoes of The Rainbow 歲月神偷" recently?? i love one plot in the movie..
Mom: look, we have fish for dinner tonight..
Kid: can i not eat that, i don't like fish!!
Mom: uh-uh.. if you don't eat fish, then you won't be able to swim when you grow up..
Kid: really?? then i must eat it..
[SK] ക was sort of expecting the answer from you. Ok will let you know first hour when hear any news on how 媽 came about.
Most of those 'myth' cannot be applied anymore children now are very sophisticated already.
Like the fish story so easy to 'convince' must eat fish. Talking about fish those days we must not flip the fish over when we finished eating on side of it. By doing so when we go sailing on boat or ship sure to capsize. Can only lift up the bone remove it when we finish eating one side. Believe it or Not? haha. tQ.
Mama are just so great, ya.
ok ok... so u found your mango or not? dont be shy and introduce to us.
dont worry, i like eat durian more than mango :P
mNhl ക mama is forever great tQ.
CH Voon ക Durian first thing very thorny secondly stinko thirdly cant speak Mandarin so how? tQ.
ah that is a lovely picture of your mom. happy mothers day to all the beautiful mommies :)
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ
Tina ക thankz yeah happy mother's day to all lovely mommies.
lovely music,
awesome post...
Happy Monday!
Jingle ക tQ you have a great day love all your nice poems.
WOW! The Mum Song is so impressive!
Wenny Yap ക needs lots of "gas" [hei]. Great mom song with her guidance in just 2 mins plus. haha. tQ.
Mothers of old knew a thing or two and invented the rest!
well moms say this and that..eventually when we all age and mature we say things too
Glennis ക the 'old' out of date stuff may not work nowadays with internet info travel even faster. Before you can tell kids not to do this they straight away corrected you saying its a myth bla bla haha. tQ.
Ayie ക advices are passed down like passing the baton in the relay from one mom to the next but the baton would eventually changed its material from wooden to some kind of alloy in lieu of modern technology. tQ.
what a wonderful tribute to your mom.
Life Ramblings ക thankz you have great weekend ~;) tQ.
Happy Saturday!
Two Awards.
Jingle ക sweet of you..tQ.
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