Heard of the most common 'Anonymous' of the whole lot is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Here is an abstract from Wikipedia mentioning about the "twelve-step program" which is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. The method was then adapted and became the foundation of other twelve-step programs such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Co-Dependents Anonymous and Debtors Anonymous. As summarized by the American Psychological Association, the process involves the following:
- admitting that one cannot control one's addiction or compulsion;
- recognizing a greater power that can give strength;
- examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member);
- making amends for these errors;
- learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior;
- helping others that suffer from the same addictions or compulsions. Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Co-Dependents Anonymous and Debtors Anonymous
Wonder is there such a term called Bloggers Anonymous (BA)? Our Panda friend, foongpc used to mention this word often. Lately another blogger friend CH Voon got 'poisoned' and addicted to one of the games in faceBook and maybe someone in future would say you suffer from Facebookie Anonymous (FA). We shall leave this aside for the moment and shall cross the bridge when we are there. The future is yet to come..
Heard from a BLOGGEROLIST SPECIALIST (don't google, no such word) who says too much 'Blogging' may affect 'Clogging' of the brain and if not treated early would spread like wild fire causing Cardiac Disorientation, Phyche Disorder, Square eyes and worst of all Erectile Dyfunction. How true? One obvious Symptom you can test whether you have got Bloggers Anonymous (BA) is to check whether you would be sitting right in front of your computer blogging even before your breakfast and worst case even before brushing your teeth. Or another easy way out is to do yourself a big favour, view video clip to examine if you have the symptom visibly embedded.
On a serious note sorry folks not too sure the 'twelve-steps program' would be applicable to Bloggers Anonymous (BA) in future or will there be any (BA) or not, yet to be tested. Who knows the first case maybe from bolehland, Malaysia? At the moment will just have to apply a D.I.Y. program to nip in the bud and be extra careful and mindful not to blog excessively for more than 18 hours in a day, eight days a week and 53 weeks a year. Don't forget you've got a life to live..Happy Blogging.