
::every cloud has a silver lining:: @ ::天無絕人之路 ~:~ 明天會更好:: @ ::tiān wú jué rén zhīlù ~:~ míngtiān huì gènghǎo:: @ ::天無絕人之路 ~:~ 明天會更好:: @ ::tiān wú jué rén zhīlù ~:~ míngtiān huì gènghǎo:: @ ::every cloud has a silver lining::


Jul 22, 2013

இ Chinese Kinship

Two men struck up a conversation in a pub and one of them kept complaining of family problems with 同父異母 *tóng fù yì mǔ* 'same father but different mothers'. Finally the other man said: "You think you have family problems? Listen to my situation". "A few years ago, I met a young widow with a grown-up daughter, we got married and I got myself a step-daughter. Later, my father married my step-daughter. That made my step-daughter my step-mother and my father became my step-son. Also, my wife became mother-in-law of her father-in-law."

"Much later the daughter of my wife, my step-mother had a son. This boy was my half brother because he was my father's son. But he was also the son of my wife's daughter which made him my wife's grandson. That made me the grandfather of my half brother."

"This was nothing until my wife and I had a son. Now the half sister of my son, my step-mother is also the Grandmother. That makes my father, the brother-in-law of my child, whose step-sister is my father's wife, I am my step-mother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own child's aunt, my son is my father's nephew and I am my OWN GRANDFATHER!"

"And you think you have FAMILY PROBLEMS!?"

It was a pleasant Sunday morning, so nice to 𨅝檯腳 *jaang3 toi4 goek3* 'stretch table leg' 'Cantonese: lit. stretch one's legs over the dining table legs' with Mango enjoying a simple dimsum breakfast. We noticed a family of four sitting across the next table having similarity in their facial features. Out of curiosity we 'played' Sherlock Holmes in guessing their relationship. Bingo! When the kid uttered two words, he solved the mystery for us by just calling out 叔公 *shūgōng* to the guy wearing the checked shirt. On the boy's right is his father and the older man on the far left is his grandfather and the guy at the center with checked shirt whom the kid called out as 叔公 *shūgōng* is his grandfather's younger brother aka Great Uncle.

sisters, brother, 舅 *jiù* 'uncle', 姨 *yí* 'aunt', 表 *biǎo* 'cousins'

Excerpt from Wikipedia: The Chinese kinship system (traditional Chinese: 親屬系統; pinyin: qīn shǔ xì tǒng) is classified as a Sudanese kinship system (also referred to as the "Descriptive system") used to define family. Identified by Lewis Henry Morgan in his 1871 work Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, the Sudanese system is one of the six major kinship systems together with Eskimo, Hawaiian, Iroquois, Crow, and Omaha. The Sudanese kinship system (and hence the Chinese kinship system), is the most complicated of all kinship systems. It maintains a separate designation for almost every one of ego's kin based on their generation, their lineage, their relative age, and their gender.

In the Chinese kinship system: Maternal and paternal lineages are distinguished. For example, a mother's brother and a father's brother have different terms. The relative age of a sibling relation is considered. For example, a father's younger brother has a different terminology than his older brother.

Bananaz Paternal lineages:
伯 *bó* dad's elder brother [paternal elder uncle]
叔 *shū* dad's younger brother [paternal younger uncle]
姑 *gū* dad's elder or younger sister [paternal aunt]
堂 *táng* dad's brothers' children (sons & daughters) [paternal cousins]

Bananaz Maternal lineages:
舅 *jiù* mom's elder or younger brother [maternal uncle]
姨 *yí* mom's elder or younger sister [maternal aunt]
表 *biǎo* mom's brother or sister's children (no seniority) [maternal cousins]

The above may be very confusing and would better stop here for the time being if not it could be stretched to a mile long and that would be even more complicated. For easier understanding the surname of each individual and age factor in terms of seniority from the paternal lineage would determine a different terminology where else for the maternal lineage surname, age and seniority does not apply.

Jul 5, 2013

இ 未见过大蛇屙屎..Big Snake Defecate

Bananaz wanted to have a comprehensive insurance so asked for offers hoping to get C&G *cheap&good* protection. The first company offered: "From cradle to grave" but the second was better: "From womb to tomb." Bananaz was just about to take this when a third company came up with the ultimate offer: "From erection to resurrection!" Here goes the three presentations:

The first presenter 'From cradle to grave' said, "When one of our insured died suddenly on Monday, we got the news that evening and were able to process the claim for the wife and had mailed a cheque on Wednesday evening".

The second presenter 'From womb to tomb' said, "We are better, when one of our insured died without warning on Monday, we learned of it in 2 hours and were able to hand-deliver a cheque the very same evening itself".

The last presenter 'From erection to resurrection' said, "That's nothing! You guys are missing the big picture and most certainly 未见过大蛇屙屎 *pinyin* "wèi jiàn guò dà shé ēshǐ"; Cantonese:"mei6 cang4 gin3 gwo1 daai6 se4 o1 si2" [lit. never seen a big snake defecate before] Our office is on the 20th floor of the Twins Tower. One of our insured who was cleaning a window on the 85th floor, slipped and fell. We handed him his cheque as he passed our floor".

Of course the above presentation or rather a joke may be exaggerated but hopefully may bring home a point to explain this Chinese idiom 未见过大蛇屙屎 *pinyin* "wèi jiàn guò dà shé ēshǐ" [never seen a big snake defecate before].  WhyAskWhy Bananaz does not have the foggiest (not blaming the recent haze) idea how on earth this Chinese idiom of snake poop came into being. Guess the answer is already there we merely have to read between the lines (anyone can please assist). Honestly who have actually seen a live big snake defecate before? None? Simply put, it means that if we have not seen or know about it, does not mean that it does not exists. One must look at life in a wider perspective and not a knowledge barrier over a myopic view. More than often people would use this idiom when ever someone has a lack of knowledge of not knowing the bigger picture or current situation. When do we invite the 'snakey shit' to slam at our face? When someone is trying to be smart alec for example not aware that it's possible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes or building a 30 story hotel in 360 hours, who then uttered 'its impossible'. Then better watch out for this snakey shit idiom 未见过大蛇屙屎 *pinyin* "wèi jiàn guò dà shé ēshǐ" [never seen a big snake defecate before] to roll over the face.

Seeing is believing in just 15 days..

 This idiom 未见过大蛇屙屎 *pinyin* "wèi jiàn guò dà shé ēshǐ" [never seen a big snake defecate before] also serves as a reminder to be humble at all times as life is always in a flux and a never ending learning process with no proven record of anyone known as Ms/Mr. KnowAll.

Jun 27, 2013

இ 天下第一 No.1

Human(e) Race.. [A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics, nice contestants all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with relish to run the race to finish and win. All that is except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back..every one of them. One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, "This will make it better." Then all nine linked arms and walked together to finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story.]

According to this story is partly true. This incident happened in a 1976 track and field event held in Spokane, Washington where one contestant did take a tumble and one or two of the other athletes turned back to help the fallen one not everyone in the event. It would be most ideal to be overwhelmed with compassion to turn back without thinking of going for gold in favour of helping a fallen competitor.  Obviously in this real world, life is never kind and not so rosy because majority would be doing their damnedest to aim for Number One be it sports, finances, games etc.

劍~Jiàn (Sword)

Even way back in ancient China where the Swordsman would fight their very best to take on any challenges no matter what it takes, by hook or by crook to be 天下第一劍 [pinyin]:tiān xià dì yī jiàn. 'sky below number one sword' lit. *sky* represents the sky above and *below* for earth, the Chinese way of describing 'World' connecting 'sky+below'. We can only internalise and relate the sword wielding movies of the olden days with a pinch of salt on how genuine it was to go back in time with those men slinging their swords over their shoulders roaming the streets in search of fame and power. With the sophisticated computer graphics software, its unbelievable to see the sword penetrating through the body which looked so real. Unlike those black & white movies shown in the yesteryears of 60's the puzzled and confused Bananaz will often shoot difficult questions to his poor helpless mama. Eg ~ "How come the sword goes under that bad guy's arm pit who shouted loud then can die one?"& "Why after slashing the men, the sword got no blood on it one?"


WhyAskWhy over the years the curious Bananaz, a die-hard fan of swordsman/martial arts movies often baffles over the plot where most filmmakers have something in common. Its just a trivial observation, hopefully the nosey Bananaz is able to stay out of trouble as curiosity killed the cat.

Each time the hero swordsman goes to any restaurant or check-in to Inn how come he has all the money to pay for food, wine and lodging? The wandering swordsman travels without any wrapped around cloth baggage but gets to wear a new set of clothing.

Pants are without pockets and money is in the form of silver nuggets which are tied around the waistband. After all the triple somersaulting, crouching and flying stunts, the silver nuggets are still intact without dropping a single piece. Some movies have improvised slightly with a pouch to contain the silver nuggets secured at the waist band.

Wonder what kind of speed and accuracy for the hero to use his sword to deflect all 20-30 arrows shot at him without being hit by a single arrow? Mama used to say "son Hero must not die one".
The REVENGE factor of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' inspires the script writers. More than often its the fighting and killing one another to get hold of the martial arts manual to achieve invincible power or fighting over a reputable heavenly sword or dragon sabre to be crowned the indisputable 天下第一劍 [pinyin]: tiān xià dì yī jiàn 'World Number One Sword'.

Jun 11, 2013

இ Get Down?

Get Down or Get Out?

In the above Humorous Speech Contest, Marianna Pascal, a renowned writer and trainer on communication skills, presented her speech with great enthusiaism and clarity regarding our local varieties of English or rather Chinglish aka Manglish. To the language experts they may have thorns pricking their ear drums when words like 'what lah you' or 'where got' wriggles through their ears. Some how for those seasoned speakers/listeners of Chinglish/Manglish it would be the least disturbing. Just to touch on one point from the video where most Chinese would agree our mom & dad said this umpteenth times since the day we were born ~ 下車 xià chē *pinyin* lit. 'down car' a direct translation for 'get out of the car'. The obvious opposite is上車 shàng chē *pinyin* lit. 'up car' but its very rare to hear 'get up the car' in Chinglish. 上 shàng *up*/下xià *down* were embedded in our thick skull and over the years saying 'get down the car' in English is second nature.

What crosses your mind when you pick up your Shanghai friend/business associate at the airport who has limited vocabulary of English gets into your car, fastened the safety belt and ready to go and then uttered 'open car' and later on the highway raises his voice with 'kill car'?

 開車 kāi chē 'open car' lit. is operate/drive/start a vehicle and not as what you imagine  spanners dismantling the car.  There is no connection to an act of murder with 殺車 sounds like 剎車 *tQ to Kian Fai Koh & SK*  shā chē *pinyin* 'kill car' but to step on the brakes during any emergency. Of course we cannot simply apply a direct translation word for word or homophones but merely used them jokingly like that also can lah.

Interestingly some Chinese words such as 'Kiasu' and 'Kowtow' are borrowed words and accepted in most English Dictionaries .

Kiasu: is a Hokkien word literally means 'fear of losing' and in pinyin 怕输 *pà shū* where 怕pà  means fear/afraid and 输shū means lose.

Definition of kiasu


  • a grasping, selfish attitude:I should have gone two hours earlier: the kiasu in me is growing


  • (of a person) very anxious not to miss an opportunity; grasping.


from Chinese, 'scared to lose'

source: Oxford Dictionaries

Kowtow: 叩頭 *pinyin* kòutóu where 叩kòu *knock/bow* + 頭tóu *head* which is a traditional greeting especially to a superior involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground.

Image courtesy of wikipedia
Definition of kowtow


  • 1act in an excessively subservient manner: she didn’t have to kowtow to a boss
  • 2 historical kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom.



Jun 3, 2013

இ Cobwebs

It was a great pleasure & pressure at the recent Bloggers Gathering for the very first time with IsaacSimple Person , SK, Small KucingTwilight Man & Suituapui (couple of times already) as most of them were 'complaining' about seeing cobwebs in Bananaz's blog. So sorry folks Bananaz been MIA for quite some time since CNY. Bananaz's blog may be cobwebbed but definitely not abandoned. Surely and slowly will be back pretty soon to beat Twilight Man (TM) before he makes his drastic move. Here is what TM commented ~ "Oh dear, this blog has full of cobwebs in 4 corners! Spiderman wasn't here, was he??Gosh! OMG!!! What is this sticky green slime on the floor in this blog!! Oh no, it is green moss on the floor with lots of fungus and maggots. Help!!!I will be back tomorrow with some detergent and insecticide sprays too."

 BTW Bananaz googled and discovered some spinning information about spider web vz cobweb. The meanings are identical with little or no difference between them as both Spider web and Cobweb refer to the silken threads spun by a spider. The main difference is that, spiders do not live in cobwebs which are no longer in use by the spider that made it. This gives them their thick, gray appearance, dusty and unorganized strands such as those seen in haunted houses. It is believed that the word "cobweb" originates from the Middle English word "coppe" meaning spider, and over the years the word was slurred to become cobweb. In contrast, when you see beautifully designed webs in trees and gardens, this is a spider web which is still in use i.e. clean.

Cobwebbed or Spiderwebbed or Whatever webbed by hook or by crook Bananaz will be right back..;),

  EM Hallowen 98

Feb 7, 2013

இ Year of 蛇 Snake 2013

The Water Snake slithers in un-officially after midnight on 04Feb2013 according to the solar calendar referred to as Lìchūn立春 *pinyin*.  Traditionally Lìchūn or Laap Chun in Cantonese signifies the beginning of spring in East Asian cultures with special village events, worship and offerings to the gods and ceremonies for a blissful and prosperous new year.  It marks the beginning of another cycle for being the very first day of spring when the sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 315 ° which is divided into 24 solar terms in a year. However the Chinese New Year which is based on a  lunisolar calendar often referred to as the "Lunar New Year"  calendar incorporates both sun and moon (yin and yang combined ) cycle elements  falls on 10Feb2013 in the Year of the 蛇 Snake.
We will be ushering in the Chinese New Year pretty soon and here is a special mention to Autumn Belle who sparked this entry with her comment in Dec2012 and it goes like this [P/S: hope you'll do a post about auspicious words to say for CNY for us bananas to learn and show off during the CNY season]. For fellow bananaz like me hope this few idioms can assist you to over come some of the challenges in wishing friends and relatives with nice four little words or so called favourable Chinese idioms. Hope the translation is in order and would appreciate the help from those Chinese educated readers to point out any mistakes or adding in more idioms, your feedbacks are most welcome. Bananaz was so embarrassed when a lady with a videocam zoomed right at my face requesting for a nice four little words in Chinese during a CNY dinner gathering as nothing could leave the lips as Bananaz was dumbfounded.

pinyin: shé nián dà jí
cantonese: se4 nin4 daai6 gat1
english : lit. snake year big luck
[very auspicious / extremely lucky in the Year of the Snake]

pinyin: lóng mǎ jīng shén
cantonese: lung4 maa5 zing1 san4
english : dragon horse full vitality
[with full vitality and spirit of a dragon & horse]

pinyin : wàn shì rú yì
cantonese : maan6 si6 jyu4 yi
english: lit. 10,000 things according to your wishes
[may your 10,000 wishes come true]

pinyin : dà jí dà lì
cantonese : daai6 gat1 daai6 lei
english : lit. big luck/propitious big gains/profit
[great luck great profit]

pinyin : wǔ fú lín mén
cantonese : ng5 fuk1 lam4 mun4
english : lit. 5 fortunes approach door
[5 blessings bestowed upon your household (ie longevity, wealth, health, virtue & a natural/peaceful death)]

pinyin : zhāo cái jìn bǎo
cantonese : ziu1 coi4 zeon3 bou2
english : lit. ushering prosperity enter treasure
[ushering in wealth and prosperity]

pinyin : shēng yì xīng lóng
cantonese : sang1 ji3 hing3 lung4
english : business prosperous
[may you have a prosperous/flourishing business]

pinyin : jīn yù mǎn táng
cantonese : gam1 juk6 mun5 tong5
english : gold jade fill hall
[may you have abundance of wealth]

pinyin : yíng chún jiē fú
 cantonese : jing6 ceon1 zip3 fuk1
english: lit. welcome spring receive fortune
[to welcome spring/joy to receive fortune]

Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy Holidays and May All Your Wishes Come True 心想事成 *pinyin*xīn xiǎng shì chéng; *cantonese*sam1 soeng2 si6 seng4.

Feb 1, 2013

இ Tireless Tyre

How many of us really take an interest in the tires or tyres we put on our car?  Tyres can seem awfully technical (how many of us know our tyre size or minimum speed rating?). Who has the time to get educated on a new tyre purchase but to depend on our local tyre store or auto dealer for good advice? Well, we’d all agree with the old saying that “an informed consumer is a good consumer”. Would it not be better if you know what questions to ask after a little research? Most likely you can get a much better tyre for your needs, dramatically improve your performance and driving satisfaction, save you money and might even save your life. You do not need to take such high risk scaling treacherous mountains in snowy condition seeking answers, search no more get answers from AutoSquad 'All About Tires' & TireRack.

In about a week's time for those celebrating the forth coming Chinese *water snake* New Year would be in a mad rush preparing for balik kampung (return to village/hometown). Mass exodus from the cities for home during this festive season would expect heavy flow of traffic on all highways. REMINDER: Presume your motor vehicle has been serviced and in tip top condition if not do it ASAP. Not forgetting tyres are the backbone of a car and not to be neglected. Hopefully the videos below can be of great help to clear your doubts on managing your own tyres.


Image courtesy of
Side Wall Tyre Code :
[I]. P 185 / 78  R 14 82 S
P - Passenger Car Tyre
185 - Width of the tyre tread is185mm at the widest point
75 - Aspect ratio indicates the height of tyre sidewall is 75% of the width (139mm)
R - Radial 14 - this tyre fits 14" wheel
82 - the load index, maximum of 475kg (1050 lb) per tyre
S - the speed index, maximum permitted speed of 180 km/h (112 mph)
M+S - mud & snow
[II]. {4202} - Age of tyre, production date on '42nd week Year 2002', shelf life of tyre is 4-6 years. Tyre Danger: The cryptic code that could save your life..abcNEWS

Summary: kPa to Psi Pressure Converter
1. Tyre Pressure: Inflate tyres in the morning, not forgetting your spare tyre
2. Rotation: Every 6 months or 6000miles or 9700 kilometers
3. Alignment: At least once a year

When to Replace Tyre? If the tread depth falls below 2/32" or 2.3mm its high time for a replacement of new tyre (s).

Over the years we have been using this word tyre or 'tayar' (in Malay) so often think there is no surprise many may not remember or know what it is called in Chinese? Even my late papa would say, 'tayar pump chat' lit. its in English for tyre puncture. Bananaz rarely hear the Mandarin word for tyre until cross checked with sweetie Mango on the actual term in Mandarin *pinyin* (are you ready?) tada.. its 輪胎 lún tāi.

Tyre experts have demonstrated and proven on the safety of placing new or least worn tyres at the back axle instead of front for better grip when cornering, which we have not been doing it right over the past decades. Not all tyre store  owners or auto dealers are aware of this latest research.

Wishing ALL a pleasant and enjoyable ride home. Drive safely and carefully and please DON'T speed.
"Gong Hizz Fa Cai"

Jan 19, 2013

இ 人有三急 : URGENCY

When Bananaz was a little boy will often hear family members coming back home rushing through the front door  yelling *人有三急 rén yǒu sān jí [pinyin]; jan4 jau6 saam3 gap1 [cantonese] : lit. 'people have 3 urgency'* and heading straight to the toilet in a jiffy.  Instead of saying 'excuse me' the message was loud and clear enough for us to make way for the 100m sprinter to dash through. Living in a home where Mandarin and Chinese dialects monopolized all communication with hardly any English, Bananaz will only have to silently adapt with open ears. Knowing pretty well *人有三急 rén yǒu sān jí  : lit. 'people have 3 urgency'* means the same as to answer the call of nature.  That's cool so we have in total two kinds of urgency either a big or small call, now what about the third urgency then? At that tender age Bananaz could be too naive to question further or maybe he did ask but in vain.

This same idiom re-surfaced at college while Bananaz was waiting impatiently, mumbling and grumbling at the dining table as patience was rapidly wearing out. Just about to switch into angry mode  one of my buddies commented: "Hey! Hungry is not stated in the idiom of *人有三急 rén yǒu sān jí : lit. 'people have 3 urgency*, let me tell you what are the threes".  AHA Bingo! Bananaz was jumping in joy to have found the 3rd urgency after a lapse of time. Unconsciously the hunger instantly switched to jubilation mode. Eureka! here is the answer: 1. Urinate  2. Defecate 3. Sexual.

 An amazing blogger [SK] who gave me the inspiration for this post who prefers to hold on to his big call. To find out why? Plz click HERE

However not quite as yet still not the correct or complete answer for the idiom until Bananaz googled recently. Imagine learning Chinese the hearsay way all through out life from a little boy to adolescence until adult to get to the real meaning of this idiom.  Learning is never ending.

What is so URGENT about this idiom * People Have 3 Urgency人有三急 rén yǒu sān jí * :
[ 1 ]. 内急 nèi jí lit. 'internal urgency' consist of urinate and defecate.
[ 2 ]. 性急 xìng jí lit. 'sexual urgency'.
[ 3 ]. 心急 xīn jí lit. 'heart urgency' ie impatient / hurried.

[ 1 ]. 内急 nèi jí : lit. *internal urgency* consist of urinate or defecate
That's how you would have jumped when you are holding on to answer the call of nature.

2 ]. 性急 xìng jí : lit. *sexual urgency*.
A just newly married couple on their very first wedding night who are too impatiently in love.

3 ]. 心急 xīn jí : lit. *heart urgency* ie impatient/ hurried
Another close example of 心急 xīnjí  would apply to an impatient/anxious husband pacing to and fro outside the hospital ward while his wife is delivering their first baby. CAUTION: Be careful not to view this video on a full stomach as it may cause stomach ache or ROTFL.

Jan 11, 2013

ക WhyAskWhy¿ (13) Ah Long 大耳窿 *Big Ear Hole*

Strange enough this name 'Ah Long' has been accepted en masse by a wide variety of ethnic groups in Malaysia. WhyAskWhy on the origin of this notorious name for money lender aka Loan Shark come into existence? Hearsay the name originated from Hong Kong where those days  the person who loans out money are called Chettiars, who love piercing their ears and wearing big earring.

As years go by the hole at the ear lobe stretches bigger and bigger. The same effect would apply to the loan that they give out as most borrowers are unable to repay the loan when the compounded loan amount gets bigger and bigger, just like the ear piercing hole, hence the Cantonese called them "Dai Yee Long"大耳窿 daai6 ji5 lung1 literally *Big Ear Hole* a colloquial term for illegal loan shark better known as Ah Long or Along in Malaysia and Singapore.

It is very common for Chinese to replace the middle name with "Ah", so as to be more friendly or closeness? Maybe this should trigger Bananaz to post about in future. Come to think about it all my siblings are of no exception where their last name is after the word "Ah".  Some examples will be like 'Ah Soon Fast Food' or 'Ah Fatt Noodles'. Therefore it is not surprising for 'Dai Yee Long' to become Ah Long *啊窿*. 

Ah Longs are one of the worst in graffiti with zero skills in spray paint on the walls of the house or property of defaulters. Their only best art is to paint "O$P$" meaning "owe money, pay money". Bananaz is not elaborating on their threat of violence suffered by the borrowers or their family members. You can read more on "Stay Away from Loan Sharks or Being Risk Eaten Alive" from  Seniors Aloud.

What is the difference between a Bank and Ah Long?
Some said no difference at all, except that loan sharks are unlicensed and can be imprisoned for what they do, whereas banks can do the same legally. Banks would require some time after the paperwork for approval of loan but its pre-approved almost instantly by Ah Longs. Somebody has said Banks won't break your arms and legs like what the Ah Longs are doing, well they're right instead a bank will break your spirit.  Borrowers go to the Banks dealing with sweet elegant customer service officers. Ah Longs come to you with tattoos all over their body. (disclaimer: not every persons with tattoos all over their body are Ah Longs). HERE is a true life story of one blogger who had gone through hell with Ah Long for being a guarantor.


Above is a live performance by Afdlin Shauki aka Chief Kodok & Din Beramboi as guest artistes in AHA2 portraying them selves as 'Along from Bukit Beruntung'. Sorry the video is not very sharp and its in Bahasa Malaysia anyway its basically a comedy show of how Ah Longs solicit for business with no requirement of IRB returns form, Bank's 6 months statements not needed and no guarantor involved. But if you don't pay up chances are the Ah Longs will mutilate your fingers or  arm. They ended the song naming the various branches nationwide and the number to call @ 24/7 service ext 12.
  EM Banana dancing

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