In the month of April some of us got 'Fooled' on the very first day of April FoOl's Day by foongpc with his stunning sudden marriage in June after his Bali trip and giving up blogging altogether follow suit by Tekkaus being very emotional kicking up the dust with his 6 reasons of contemplating to throw in the towel and exit the blogosphere for good. Well I fell for it, got fooled twice anyway it is not that bad after all coz it's my lucky month too. An April FULL of nice lovely prizes and gifts and in total I received three, with a bonus as well which was received in March. Here you go in alphabetical order.. *Sorry the photos were taken from cell phone.*

46 Bunchesஇ:
wow... ops turkey... i will visit again the country next year =p yeah so many stuff ya... but i love the gift from foong :)
whoaa so nice horr... u just cover ur address! mine?! u show it! my number is thr summore! lol! joking la.. lucky i dint use my house add. haha. :D Hope i like it. :)
lol.. yeah hor.. caroline.. the add is there! hahhahahaha... i like that postcard too... i'm bananaz over u.. hahaha..
congrats bananaz.. for having such a FULL april :)
fufu ക hope you get to Turkey next year, yeah all nice presents received. tQ
Caroline Ng May Ling ക I'm terribly sorry overlooked the phone number was there thought PO Box was OK. Have removed the pix once again my apologies. tQ
Merryn ക thankz yeah 'I'm bananas over the gifts' became careless shown her tel number. Ooops hope Caroline will not skin and peel me alive.~:). tQ
congrats! u r welcome!
wenn ക thankz again. have a nice weekend.
You're certainly a popular gal! And you deserve the friendship. Sorry, no one played any jokes on me and neither me on them!!Busy being serious!!
wow, thats a lot of gifts from your blogging friends... oh i rmember that prank made by foong and tekkaus and i must say that i am one of their victims haha
happy Sunday Bananaz... happy blogging too! also received a lot of gifts o. :D
wow so many........share2 leh hahahaa
Keats ക thankz. yeah I have stopped playing April foOl jokes long long time too. tQ
bluedreamer27 ക yo! you remembered about the pranks and gotcha as well haha. Happy Sunday too. tQ
Tekkaus ക yeah being foOled by you and foong but received some consolation with FULL of gifts haha. tQ.
manglish ക its all out there go get them quick hahaha. tQ
Wah! Now only blog about my gift! Some more put last!! : (
OK, just kidding! Hahaha!! Hope you like the art piece!
Oh, thanks fufu for liking it! : )
wah u earn damn lot prize hehehe
happy for you.
may i know that Caroline, wenn and foongpc also put Bananaz as the receiver ????
foongpc ക heard of save the best for last? hehe. yeah I likey the art piece tQ once again. ~:)
CH Voon ക yeah collected foong's from post office and the lady saw the name 'Bananaz' with half a smile. Was worried she might refused me. Caroline's was delivered to my door step and the post laju man was sort of laughing at 'Bananaz' hehe. But for Wenn's, wanna test it out sent to a different address coz suspect Pos office delivery lazy to run up to my door step and put a red note to collect at post office every time. Yours was also collected from post office and the lady raised her eyebrow said "You Bananaz?" haha Have a pleasant flight home bro. tQ
bananaz... hey! you collect postcards and magnets? me too.... if i knw earlier i wld hv send you some. am going to siem reap this weekend, want any?
wow this month has been a good month for you
Nice blog my friend :) :)
love the last photo the best!
Happy Monday!
thank you for the comments in my place, it is always a pleasure to have your visit and encouragement.
5 awards on the bottom of the post,
hope that you enjoy some!
So lucky you! Suddenly received so many prizes in one month! I'm jealous :PP many gifts.
Lily Riani ക hi thankz for dropping by, thankz so much not to trouble you. Have a great trip to Siem Reap. Take care. tQ
Bengbeng ക yar loh lucky month of April, you shed 5kg, I gain 4 gifts haha. tQ
Short Poems ക thankz ~;)
Jingle ക thankz so much, nice awards you've got. ~;) tQ.
iamthewitch ക ho ho ho like Xmas to me haha, you can win and get em as many as you want too. good luck. ~;) tQ.
mNhl ക cannot help thinking it's Xmas haha. tQ
next time, if still have opportunities.... i will write a big big BANANAZ!
maybe this time, the postman will laugh until fall down from his motorbike.
just visiting you here, have a great day and happy blogging... Banana
CH Voon ക how about you send a real big banana and write big big BANANAZ word and sent by post hahaha..most likely will not reach me but reach the postman's belly first..tQ
bluedreamer27 ക gr8 day to you too. tQ
OMG! You receive so many gifts :♦)
You must be an active commentator.
Ai Shiang ക not really very active just being participative in most of the contest and blog hopping here and there. Would say luck is with me in April haha. ~;) tQ.
wah, so cool!! you are able to get gifts from so many bloggers!! and all are nice things leh~~
Congrats, Bananaz! Lovely gifts.
Interesting word verification:
..mummyo - as in Mamma Mia!! for receiving so many great gifts from around the world.. LOL!
friendship awards.
souvenirs from all blogger friends, very nice of them! =)
love the last photo,
Happy May!
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