Any idea what is the new Generation called ~ X,Y or Z? Seems like "Generation-Y" alludes to a succession from "Generation X" with the exact date debatable. So when will "Generation-Z" begins? Buzz words surfaced for Generation-Y such as the Millennial Generation or Generation Next or Net Generation. Oh what a name! So are you convinced now and agreeable the latest is Generation "Y"¿
As a second part of Why*Ask*Why or rather Y*Ask*Y to see what is churning into the minds of "Generation-Y" which the BabyBoomers and before them did not bother or care to think about. The story goes like this...
Daughter 'Q' asked mama why she must cut off a small portion of the slab o'meat before cooking it? Mama said "lovie dear sorry I don't have the slightest idea I just follow my mom, why not you ask grandma over the weekend?". A week later little daughter 'Q' posed the very same pertinent question to which her grandma says "beats me sweetie I don't have a single clue, I dare not even ask".
Answer: Those days they did not have the opportunity of a much bigger pan. In order to fit into the small pan they need to resize thus cutting of one small portion of the slab o'meat solved the problem. Oh yeah dinner is ready..
Answer: Those days they did not have the opportunity of a much bigger pan. In order to fit into the small pan they need to resize thus cutting of one small portion of the slab o'meat solved the problem. Oh yeah dinner is ready..
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Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. A very talented chef, a fast learner, never gossip except for some snarl and whimper at times.Blunder #6 : I have been wrong for many many donkey years to pronounce 'Tiger' 老虎 [lǎohǔ] as 'lǎofu' in Chinese/Mandarin. Thanks to friend, Jenifer for her sharp ears to catch my mistake. Well learning Mandarin by ear can be no easy task. Could have been influenced by our very own dialects as we say tiger as 'fu' in Hakka as well as in Cantonese but its pronounced otherwise as 'Hu' in Mandarin same as Hokkien and TeowChew its called 'hor' with the 'H' consonant sound..
oOOPs the *Y* pops up again. We all know about the 12 Chinese zodiac animals but why for tiger and mouse we sort of add another word, {old} 'lao 老' not in terms of 'old' as in age but like 'old' buddy. Tiger is better known as old tiger 老虎 [lǎohǔ] and mouse as old mouse 老鼠 [lǎoshǔ]? Why not old dog, old chicken or old snake etc why only old tiger and old mouse? Someone I asked before answered back direct into my face "is it important?". Some just shook their head with a smile and some performed the nonverbal communication with a shrug. That's the Bananaz's true nature, curious and inquisitive. You never ask you never get, you never get you never know ~;o)

Coming up next : lǎoshǔ ài dàmǐ 老鼠愛大米
53 Bunchesஇ:
haaahahha is it important? of course.. no question is too trivial....but i got no answer for u oso leh
manglish ക yo! you are fast & furious you're first bro. will not give up asking..haha. tQ
hah! i tell u last time when i havent start learn mandarin chinese oso used to say "hu" in "fu". even now oso kinda dat way. well cant blame me, my dad is hakka and when we hv family gathering with grandparents and aunts n uncles, we all speak hakka! haha
coming up is the song???? hehehe
interesting question, why old mouse, old tiger, or old teacher? do share with us ur finding yeah :)
They are all names, aren't they? Not to mean that they are old when there is a 老 in front. I never ask this question before though.
Why do people have to add an "Ah" in front when they call your name?
Thanks for the infor. I also pronounce as laofu.
I can not even say one Hakka word and it's such a shame. I took one semester of Mandarin in college and it was just hilarious how people were just having a hard time with the low and high tones. One classmate went up to recite what she did last night. She meant to say "read a book" but because her tone went low when she said "shu", it became "tree". The teacher asked her "are you sure?" and the girl proudly said "yes" then the teacher told her what she just said.
keep asking, and keep sharing with us, Banana
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
hahahah, i have no idea at all,, by the way i am generation V...... guess what it stands for ?
ha ha ha, old snake....LOL!
Lol, there is parents scolding children for asking many questions nowadays.
the picture of that gen Y is so true lah.. these days ppl's pants are getting soooo low.. they are better off without them! :D
sure i am not generation Y.
I dont like to show my ass holes to people see.
why call old mouse and old tiger because these animal will destroy people items or kill human being.
so must put a old with them, as you know when you are old... you are not so active so.... it is good for human right.
why not put old snake? old punya snake lagi dangerous can telan people as well.
why not put old house? old punya horse tak guna la...
why not put old pig? you want to eat old pig?? daging pun tak sedap la...
why not put old monkey? we like see monkey jump here and there.. if old liao.. it will stay there.. not moree active... do u like?
why not put old goat? old punya goat milk tak sedap la...
how about old chiken? nobody want to pay for old chick la...
how about old dragon? this u should know okokok
Caroline Ng May Ling ക tiger HU, hu tiger? haha coming next we shall see hehe. ~;) tQ.
am i generation x?? lol
lou fu!!! wow... fu+lou fu = fufu
the happy go lucky one ക me will keep asking why "old" if for big bozz then 'old big' [lao tar] ok. will keep you posted old happy haha tQ.
Ah Shiang ക how do I sound with the 'Ah' infront? haha. Yeah why the 'Ah' actually? Got a friend lagi geng keep forgetting colleagues names and always say "Ah Pin Kor..Pin Kor please come here"
From now onwards Kevin Rudd will be called 'Ah Kevin' & Barack Obama changed to "Ah Barack" Cool..tQ..Ah Bananaz ~;)
smallkucing ക you are xiǎohu becoming laohu later haha. tQ
RoseBelle ക oh I have a problem shhhhhhuu-ing all these shu's..too haha tQ.
Cloudia ക great encouragement from you keep asking & sharing yeah. tQ
eugene ക Generation V? Vampire? Peace? Virgin? Victory? VSOP? 5 is enuf got any right? haha. tQ
Pete ക fangless old snake hehe. tQ
Kelvin ക yeah some parents don't like children to ask too much but that's not good might stunt their learning process & curiosity which eventually make them refuse to ask in future. tQ
Oooo..that never cross my mind before! Ya..y must there be the word 'lao' in front of tiger and mouse. haha...and the 12 zodiac, i normally ends with 'chap di te bu dui lang zhao' (12 pigs mummy ran away with others) direct translate. haha...confusing?
Merryn ക Y pants!!!think that would be hard to walk and be mobile, have not tried any yet. haha tQ
CH Voon ക you and your "oldies" haha. Mama used to go market buy old chicken boil chicken soup. What is old dragon me dunno woh? tQ
fufu ക confirmed you are Gen-X? thought about you when I post this entry, presume your fufu is tigertiger. tQ
mNhl ക now you know the 'lao' for tiger & mouse but we all dunno the 'why'. Still asking. Yeah yeah very popular teasing the piggy zodiac animal with this Hokkien saying. tQ
Don't think I'll be caught dead with pants going down, down!! you see, i'm an old tiger!!!really.
too funny,
Happy Wednesday!
Keats The Sunshine Girl ക hi laohu! don't play play with old tiger. grOWL..!!! haha. tQ
Jingle ക funnybone got tickled..haha. ~;) tQ
Oh I have problem with differentiating 'h' and 'f' in mandarin too... like 'getting married' I used to pronounce as 'jie fen' when instead it should be 'jie hun' or something. Hahhaa
hi bananaz you can now submit your song entries here
have a great day and happy blogging
hmmm, interesting post.. actually if you want to drill down into the very fine details.. there can be many questions that lead to no answers at all.. because one question leads to another, and to the bottom, no one has any idea already..
iamthewitch ക very true quite a lot of ppl pronounced with 'f' for Mandarin. tQ
bluedreamer27 ക yo! thankz considered done! you have a great TGIF tQ.
[SK] ക sifu thankz. Hope the curiosity does not kill the cat. haha. ~;) tQ.
Can't understand why young people must wear their pants like that. Makes me wanna puke...especially when they squat down...or sit pillion on a motorbike! And worse still, some even in church!!!
LOL...well done.. I really like your new Header!
Have a great weekend!
suituapui ക that's what they call 'trend' ada gaya woh *shake head*..haha ~;) tQ.
Sh@kir@ ക thankz you have a great weekend too. tQ.
have a great weekend!!!
i dont even know which gen i am in haha. a mix of x & y, perhaps? lol :D
Ayie ക you have a great time too
QuaChee ക x or y no sweat juz dont be Gen-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ haha.
hiihiii.. i googled again and guess what i got some sound answer, not sure how correct this is lah.
apparently the same lao was use for different reason in different cases, here are the explanation :
i try my very best to translate, but cant b as good, as my english very private limited :P
in those days, the chinese opera actor with bigger/stronger arm is called 老板, and these actors are more successful and getting more acting jobs, earn more money and thus hv the capital to start business, and bcome successful. and thus the 老板 now also refer to boss :)
laoshi: obviously its bcoz lao is also refering to someone respectful.
laoshu: according to 'chinese pharmacoepia' (very old chinese traditional one) mouse has the longest life. not really logic isnt it? we suspect the author of pharmacoepia might said this due to the fact of mouse are very highly reproductive, they start to breed by 3month old, and continue for another 1-2years.
laofu: bcoz ppl feel tiger is fierce and dictative, just like the oldman(parent :P)...
Kekeke!!! Sorry I'm late here but I love this so much that not saying anything at all would've not done justice to this post.
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