Sorry folks still harping on the threesome, trilogy or naughty 3some seems cannot get over with it. Greed, anger and ignorance are called the Three Poisons or Three Evil Roots, which are the primary source of all evil deeds. It is the Three Poisons that create all bad Karma, resulting all kinds of suffering in accordance with the Principle of Cause and Effect. What is GREED?
Definition of Greed: is an excessive desire to possess wealth or goods; Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. Greed is inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power ... wikipedia.
There is to an old Chinese saying 人心不足蛇吞象 [rén xīn bùzú shé tūn xiàng] literally means a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. You be the judge after watching the video clip..
you simply cannot dig and dig for more, and more and much more..its against the universal law..
![EM Banana with whip](
44 Bunchesஇ:
yes, can't swallow an elephant, later stomach explode
Greediness is one of the 7 deadly sins along with the lust, gluttony, wrath, Pride, Envy and sloth...
ih thank God , i am listening to my Pastor's sermons
Naomi இ yeah later 轟 boom, the elephant or the snake shall explode haha.. tQ
bluedreamer27 இ right! the 7 deadly sins! tQ
i want a door that can bring me to where i wanna go
Yes, I agree with the Chinese saying 100%! Be thankful for whatever we have...and we will be truly happy!
fufu இ have door will travel how nice..tQ
suituapui இ contentment is blissful when one does not to take what is not given..tQ
How come you only talk about one of the three poisons?
humans sure greedy one.. money is never enough...
but yes, we need to be thankful with what we are now.. what we have is temporary...
be grateful for what we have, no greedy! hehe
Twilight Zone! Great lesson there. Thanks.
Temptation is SO great. Wealth is never enough.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed” - Mahatma Gandhi
greedy make human being acting badly.
i am not greedy. Hope to won a million lottery only.
Me greedy leh...not only wanna telan elephant LOL
the blog entry is interesting but the comments was even more interesting. ahhahahhah...
What to do? We have been programmed to be greedy. :p That's why we keep on creating and inventing.
hope your day goes well.
Happy Wednesday.
Sorry for being absent.
Thanks for the unbeatable encouragement
and more.
omg, he's trapped!
Darn! Not able to decipher that quiz at the beginning of the post. :p
Naturally human nature?
khengsiong இ oh cant find something appropriate to post about the 2nd & 3rd maybe next post. tQ
reanaclaire இ very tempting not enough..haha tQ
Caroline Ng May Ling இ yeah always believe in contentment. tQ
HappySurfer இ Twilight is testing a person's temptation. tQ
Keats The Sunshine Girl இ even if its is a god given gift should take what is required haha tQ
Autumn Belle @ KDP இ that's a very true and valuable quote by the 'man of non violence'. tQ
CH Voon இ a million enough or not? then you may ask for 10 million haha..tQ
smallkucing இ so whack what you like if you can swallow the elephant by all means take all haha..tQ
Lily Riani இ ♫money money money..its a rich man world..♫ haha. tQ
Tekkaus இ un-programme it then haha..tQ
Jingle இ tQ & cheers! keep busy with your nice poems love em very much.
wenn இ yeah will he die or will be put into jail..the polis may have a hard time to figure out how he got stuck inside..tQ
HappySurfer இ Quiz? where's your mind gone to..haha
MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE இ when a child is born its like a clean white sheet of paper which got stained in the later part of life depending on the up bringing..tQ
Greed must be curbed as it will destroy all of us.
LOL... he was innovative wasn't he?! I won't have so many ideals in such a split second!;)
Have a wonderful weekend!
LMAO.. In Thailand, my relatives would say don't try to shit like an elephant instead..
It's really big merits that you warn and share with bloggers about the Three Poisons! It is such a basic teaching that millions of humans failed to adhere, otherwise there would be no war at all.
Psst... I meant that script at the beginning of the post. You don't see it on your browser? I see it on mine. It must be Twilight Zone indeed..
hehehe, i thot you are going to write about 3some again.. so you are talking about some 3 elements that make up of some results??
人心不足蛇吞象, yeah i actually like this phrase.. though a bit exaggerate that a snake can swallow an elephant (if not being stepped flat and killed), but it's really true to say in that sense..
Life Ramblings இ true! greed are the main cause of corruptions. tQ
Alice Law இ He was fast indeed but with evil thoughts..
Twilight இ the opposite would be shit like a rat instead of an elephant haha. It is even better not to take what is not given. tQ
HappySurfer இ happening maybe frequency not sync yet haha. tQ
[SK] இ exactly! old Chinese idiom do have a strong point and sense in it. tQ
Very true... must be thankful and grateful... expect less... will be more content in life.
The ironic thing is, greediness is the main force of getting rich.
cleffairy இ its tough to abstain from taking things not given but its possible with mindful cultivation. tQ
Kelvin இ Getting rich the fast way will not actually last somehow it will vanish only a matter of time. tQ
Hazmat sign....he he he, back to engineering recently! LOL!
Uh! Too bad I couldn't watch the video. My celcom broadband is bad...
Anyway, i like the quote "like a snake trying to swallow an elephant". I think greed is inside almost everybody. A small act like, trying to get on the bus first, eating extra without leaving for other people and eating more than you can in a buffet dinner are also considered as greed.
But there is also a saying "A greedy man always benefit more" Hahaha! Bad or not?
Have a nice day! I think i want to eat banana after this.
Pete இ Hazmat! Cool!!! learned a new word today tQ.
willie a.k.a reptoz இ greedy man always benefit but normally short lived as you cannot beat the universal law haha. tQ
Such good illustration.
I learnt something new today. Next time I will use that phrase when someone is greedy :o)
Ai Shiang இ glad you pick up something useful here so gotta tell people don't 轟 the snake haha. tQ
Karma is the best teacher, unfortunately, many of its students are far too ignorant to listen to its teachings.
RoseBelle இ Bananaz is a strict believe of karma always agree life is like a boomerang good or bad it comes back..tQ
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