Congratulations to Jeannie for winning the "Inukshuk Blog Award for Edutainment 2009" from the #1 Canadian Blog! Kindly click on the above picture for full details of the Award. For those who wish to learn more about Chinese language the fun and easy way, please check it out on her BLOG. Would like to seize this opportunity to thank her from the bottom of my heart and I'm very very very glad that I have picked up quite a great 'bunch' of Chinese vocabulary from her over the weeks. Kudos & Xie Xie 謝謝

19 Bunchesஇ:
wow...congrats to her
A smile from SJ =)
SJ* wow you are first again. Thanks on her behalf.
COngrates! well deserved.
congratulations to her! n to you for picking up some chinese vocabulary from her as well. :)
haha, after learning more chinese from her.. you'll take the chance to learn more cantonese from my blog~~ :p
Keats, thanks of behalf will inform Jeannie on your kind thoughts
levian, xiexie picking up fast will let Jeannie know about your wishes too.
SK, 'ho yeah' now got Canto sifu teaching Cantonese. I speak quite a number of dialects but all 'pun tong shui' (container half filled with water, meaning jack of all trade master of none). haha Thanks
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
You have a nice blog, will be back again.
molly, thank you please feel free to come by again.
Congratulations to Jeanie and thanks to you for introducing us to her. I do agree that she makes learning chinese fun.
Wow! Congrats to Jeannie! Yes I agree her blog makes learning Chinese really fun!! And thanks for introducing her to me! : ) you for making this post, Bananaz!
And thank all of you that stopping by and supporting. I will keep doing my best to help everyone.
Xiexie, xiexie!
Autumn Belle, you are most welcome
foongpc, sama sama and we bananaz learn Chinese together.
Dear All, you have heard for the lady herself and thanks for the visit.
Jeannie, my pleasure once again thank you so so so much Xiexie.
Jeannie's blog takes me down to memory lane when I was learning Chinese. Simple short sentences. Well, glad she was recognized for her contribution and effort!
Inukshuk?? yeah i got it now.... yeah her blog is nice
Xiexie Rose and fufu~~~
So the Banana is less banana now after reading her blog?
Bananaz turning mango soon haha TQ
Congrats to her!!!
what a selfless act.
you are very cool,
enjoy a joyful day.
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