Dear fellow Bloggers & friends
A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! शुभ क्रिसमस (Śubh krisamas); 聖誕快樂, 新年快樂(shèngdàn kuàilè xīnnián kuàilè). Thank you all for the kind support and will do my level best to make this blog more 'apeeling' [appealing]. :p TOUCHDOWN 2010 very soon..

51 Bunchesஇ:
Bananaz, thank you very much for your support. Wishing you a Vely Mely Mely Kelisma-se!
Autumn Belle, Namaste sama sama thank you too. Merry Xmas
hello..Merry Christmas to u too!!!
reanaclaire, Subh Krisamas to you and family. Wanakum TQ
hello Banana! i have something to say...
Merry Christmas to you and Your family :)
i like this song :P
merry christmas and a happy new year :)
Merry Christmas to you!! :)
Merry Christmas!
CH Voon, Merry
manglish, Merry
Mei Teng, Merry
wenn, Merry
Christmas to all of you and a great New 2010.
Merry X'mas...
Merry Christmas and a very big happy new year! Eat lots and behave :o)
Tarts and Pies said, Thanks for dropping by, Merry Xmas.
Ai Shiang, Merry Xmas to you too and please don't overeat oysters in SYD, haha.
Hey Bananaz,
Thanks for visiting me!
So COOL of you!
Nice blog.
Seeing you?
Merry Christmas and Happy NEW YEAR!
ShAKirA CHOONG, thanks for dropping by. Merry Xmas!
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Asian Traveler, thanks Merry Xmas!
Peace Lover, Oh what a purr-fect snooze. Merry Xmas!!!
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Trust your Christmas was a blast, Bananaz! Best wishes for a happy new year!
Cute video! Made me laugh. Thanks for sharing it.
No complains just another quiet day stuck in front of TV. What about you? Had a swinging time? Think this is one cute Xmas song I could listen again and again, so different from the norm.
Merry Bollywood? Cool..I love it!
banana i add u in my list ok?
Have a nice holiday
CH Voon, Xiexie added to your too:p
Borneo Falcon, Have a great celebration and close 2009 with a bang!
CH Voon, Xiexie added to your too:p
Borneo Falcon, Have a great celebration and close 2009 with a bang!
Haha saw this before...bit i still laugh whenever i watch this:D
Kelvin, have been viewing this a couple of times a day kinda cute something out of the norm Xmas style. TQ.
Same goes to you and family! Happy new year!
merry christmas and happy new year!! may you be blessed with joy and happiness :)
Superman & [SK], thanks Happy New Year too.
what a cute video, haha. hope you had a great christmas too! :)
levian, had a great but quiet Xmas at home, TQ
Funny video, loves the Indian favour.
And a totally insufficient dowry. Hahah!!
May the year 2010 be one that bear fruits for you, Bananaz.
Shingo T, for a change some spicy flavour thinking out of the box. Wonder what fruit will it bear when bananaz is crossed with mango? Mangnaz or Bango! TQ
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Molly, thanks and Happy New Year to you too
聖誕快樂, 新年快樂!!
Do you have any idiom idea this month? Or I'll just go ahead and pick one. ^_^
Jeannie, Not too sure is this an idiom and if there is a story for this.
1. One kind of rice feed 100 kind of people.
Maybe you go ahead and let me sort out at my end first. TQ
hihi...thanks for dropping by...u got a cool blog too with a very nice and funny name ...
is this blog for bananaz people who cant read chinese?
vialentino, thanks for hopping in and appreciate your kind words. Yeah sort of mainly for bananaz as the Chinese is very simple. Anyway its for everyone regardless bananaz or mango (Chinese Educated) or any Nationality or race. :) TQ
opps im late, the xmas is over liao kekeee.. wish u have a wonderful new 2010 year, may it brings u and loved ones lots happiness and health :)
p/s: im amazed with ur languages capability :)
the happy go lucky one, no you are not late, 12 days celebration not over yet. Thanks for dropping by and compliment, not exactly only knowing the surface of it. Happy New Year 2010.
Happy 2010, my friend!
jam, thanks Happy 2010 to you too.
I may be late for Christmas but I wish you had a great one and a fruitful new year to come!
Ayie, not late 12 days of Xmas celebration & wish you a Happy New Year.
TZ like this *One Thumb up*
i like this song so so sooooo much... So humorous... anyway, dude Happy Twenty Ten ... May you have a better year eh~
TZ, thanks for dropping by, yeah have been listening to it many times in a day. Happy wonderful and bountiful New Year 2010.
beautiful greetings.
I used to love watching cartoons a lot.
take care and
enjoy a laughing day.
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