Some men just don’t know the danger of becoming naughty. Right now script writers are cracking their skull with some sexciting movie scripts for a movie with a title "Crouching TIGER Hidden WOLF " { 臥虎藏狼 wò hǔ cáng láng } into the life a top-notch golfer caught with his pants down. Bee Gees’s tune of ‘How can you mend a broken heart’ would be humming in people's ear drums all over the world. You can cheat one people all the time, all the people at one time but you cannot cheat all the people all the time which connects to another Chinese saying. [ 爬的山多終遇虎 ] { pá de shān duō zhōng yù hǔ (climb the mountain more eventually meet tiger)} translates to "if you climb the mountain too often chances are, you will eventually meet the tiger.
The warning is already set in the word "SEX" in Chinese { 色 sè } and it also means 'color' with the same pronunciation {sè } as sex. Here again there are variation on the Chinese character, thanks to Jeannie. The ancient scholars have great foresight to think of this good old advice which carries the same meaning of playing with fire, so - {色 字 頭 上 一 把 刀 sè zì tóu shàng yī bà dāo (sex word head top one handle knife)} meaning there is a wood handle knife on the upper top part of the word {sex ~ 色 sè }. The knife is ever ready to stab any naughty ones and it serves as reminder to all sensual beings to be aware and cautious at all times. The world undisputed heavy weight champion Mike Tyson was ‘knifed’ and the consequences, three years jail term and later on declared bankruptcy. Edison Chen, the canto pop singer/actor was ‘knifed’ and lost all major advertisement contracts. Now the latest is Tiger Woods, who was just ‘knifed’ and triggered Gillette not to feature him in its ads for an unspecified period of time. Going on hiatus indefinitely to salvage his marriage is gonna hurt his associations with most major sponsors. Will the crouching Tiger be able to return and maintain his form to a T just as when and where he left? Well some men just can never learn to see the knife, especially a sharp falling knife.
I have just discovered a strange difference, in pornographic terms we say 'blue film' in English what about in Chinese? Your guess is as ‘blue’ as mine, its 'yellow film' { 黃色片 huángsè piàn }. The English and Chinese have different perception of colors?

30 Bunchesஇ:
Interesting observation on the knife yes? I never noticed that.. and I didn't know sex in Mandarin uses the same word as colour!
iamthewitch, wowie you are first. Yes I am learning Mandarin by the ear as I heard about this phrase when young and didnt get the chance to 'read' and understand it:p
Thanks to you, I learnt a new word today too. Your story also reminds me of the Chinese saying, "ying hung nan kuo mei yan kai" meaning Even a hero finds it difficult to pass the beautiful lady trap! I guess this is the ultimate test of all times for any gentleman. This test has never expired its usefulness no matter how modern man has become or how many advances he has made.
Autumn Belle@KDP, Heroes are after all humans as well haha. Yeah thanks learn something here.
Hello! thanks for visiting me recently. I like the name "bananaz people" as it written in chinese.
You explain Chinese saying very well, I don't think you're in the "wrong shell" as describe in your blog :o)
I am quite poor in Chinese even though I studied them before.
Back to your post. The "se" reminds me of a phrase literally translated into "colour wolf" in Mandarin.
Ai Shiang, thank you, basically I learn Mandarin by 'ear', well life is kinda quite complicated then will have them in mind for my future post. Yeah "se lang" on the loose h-o-w-l-l-l-oooo...haha.
Very interesting article, rich in Chinese wisdom
James Oh, thanks for dropping by and appreciate your kind words. TQ
haha..indeed the chinese n english hv different perceptions of colors..
Thanks bananaz for this very interesting education on the Chinese character for sex.
I also didn't know it's the same character for colour!
I think I have been learning lots of Chinese from you and Jeannie - thanks to both of you!!
So the Westerners and Chinese see different colours? Haha, interesting that!
Oh, btw, sorry about Tiger Woods! Although if I were the wife, I would be pretty happy cos I would be getting half a billion in divorce settlement. It pays to marry a rich man doesn't it? : )
wenn, not only in colors, ever come across when someone having high fever? Chinese grandma home style treatment is cover up with thick blanket to sweat it out and Western medicine way put you in cold room and the best part is both works.
foongpc, glad you are learning some Chinese and I'm also learning by sharing sama sama. Not sure what Elin is thinking now, tormented and mad, or probably just like your thoughts calculating how much she $$$ is getting. Also there are lot of 'vultures' flying above the injured Tiger waiting to attack anytime, like the Canto saying "robbery during fire".
hahaha, and you also know about 色字頭上一把刀!! cool.. actually the knife could be an opportunity or a threat, depending on how you can manipulate that.. hmmm, just another long story about this, maybe it can be the sequel for you post on SEX?? kekekeke~~
[SK] Oh that's interesting did'nt know that. How is it going to be an opportunity, care to share some ideas and tips please? Xiexie
[SK] Perhaps you post it in your blog to share on the "opportunity" part, I love to learn more. Xiexie
i suspect something must be amissed when tiger woods had an accident near his home.. so.. now his marriage is on the rocks? i didnt follow much about him lately...
anyway, interesting facts about sex in english and chinese but too bad, i m a "banana" ...:p
reanaclaire, yeah not only marriage on the rocks his career as well. Since you also banana if got interest we learn together then. Got a friend worked in KL half of his life can't speak a complete sentence in Canto. TQ
so they said, the 3 most dangerous thing people fall for - power, money, sex. usually when they have both power n money, sex is what drew them to their grave. life is fair. :)
It's amazing how fast a person's career can go down with all these sex stuffs.
As tempting as it might be, it pays to be loyal.
Banana is yellow, so in the chinese context, does that make you rated R(A)? (kidding)
Tiger and Elin signed a pre-nup agreement so I don't think she'll get more than what they agreed upon though it's the hurt of betrayal that bothers more, I'm sure. 15 counts (so far) is more than any wife can bear..
I once read that women tend to think with what's up here but men think with what's down there. Oops! Peace..
levian, absolutely right naughty sex comes in naturally if one is not careful. So you think life is fair as it is also the law of cause and effect? Good valid point I agree and believe in karma. TQ
Shingo T, my mama used to say [天有眼 tiān yǒu yǎn] (sky have eyes) Must always do good at all times. Guys don't be naughty ok. Yeah that thought crossed my mind about banana being yellow thus the color is rated! haha. TQ
HappySurfer, oh yeah thanks, very popular in States for this kind of pre-nup agreement. Your 15 counts means 15 'naughty stabs' with other women? Oh dear lots of 'stabs' will be surfacing. Definitely betrayal would hurt & torment Elin. Read that as well with cartoons showing how men think below the belt haha. TQ
Mmmm, the Karma for being naughty!
Heard you are quite busy lately with marriages but not yours exactly but in-laws and out-laws haha. Welcome back. TQ
I think most of the guy are hamsap lo... hehehe
Ahhh, something new for me today =)
I'm learning things here as well. Good post, Bananaz!
And thanks for the link again!
CH Voon, you are no exception right? haha
Ayie, glad you picked up something, Chinese mixed with English can not to be confused though.
Jeannie, can never have done it without kind guidance & support. Xiexie
Haha, creative on you to write such a post, but 自古英雄南过美人关 zi(4) gu(3) ying(1) xiong(2) nan(2) guo(4) mei(3) ren(2) guan(1).
Hi Jam, so Hero is zero when comes to beauties? haha. Thanks
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