In less than 30 hours, 2009 is long gone. Time flies like an arrow and all the years gone by like a blink of an eye. We cannot escape the facts of life, { 生老病死 shēng lǎo bìng sǐ } which is birth, old age, sickness & death. Life is impermanent, quite uncertain and always in a state of flux. We know one thing for sure we grow old but we can grow old gracefully and mindfully.
Had a get together with old friends whom we have not met for some time over cuppa of coffee, all the four are 'YesNoYes' (Chinese educated)[in case some missed my earlier post ~ its a name we called those educated in Chinese and Kenwooi coined them as 'mango'] and as usual I'm the only bananaz. That has been my "gift" since day one, having lots of "yesnoyes" friends more than bananaz friends. Yak yak yak about travel, [fast forward]..and finally about how to retire and one peculiar topic of "OLD" creeps into the conversation and I can hardly wait to blog and share about it. One of them shared his ideology of growing old gracefully with four paramount factors of "OLD" that we need the most which sounds terrific to me. A creative joke pun replaced the most common Chinese proverb thus inverted the meaning as not to depend on our children to look after us when we grow old..
養兒防老 OR 養兒煩恼
{yǎng' ér fáng lǎo OR yǎng' ér fán nǎo}
The first part { 養兒防老yǎng' ér fáng lǎo } means to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age OR the second { 養兒煩恼 yǎng' ér fán nǎo } where there is rhyme for 'fáng lǎo' & 'fán nǎo' which literarily means to have more worries or anxieties having children. If the first part is true MAYBE that is one of the reason why our ancestors in the olden days prefer boys than girls so that they can lived happily ever after with the son (s) taking care of them through old age? That's my wild guess. In future do you still believe your son will take care of you or you think your daughter will take care of you even more or will your children bid you farewell and send you to old folks home? Take it as a bonus point, hope for the best and prepare for the worst..(Thanks to Autumn Belle who added this "Chinese want to have sons in a family to carry on the family surname and the 'OLD' is like addressing 'Sir' and not referring to old in terms of age").
So what are the four very important factors we should look forward to so as not to be a liability to our children and society? Here you go..
I. { 老伴 lǎo bàn } old spouse (husband or wife or soulmate).
II. { 老友 lǎo you } old friend, someone to catch up for a cuppa.
III. { 老生 lǎo shēng } old body, healthy living.
IV. { 老本 lǎo běn } old capital, retirement fund or nestegg.
Wishing everyone a blessed wonderful, and bountiful ll0l0.

33 Bunchesஇ:
生老病死 - one day will come... face it ba!
養兒防老 - this can not apply for moden day anymore... when we are getting old... we need to depend on urself mean KWSP lo hahaha
They have their own family to take care too!... money not enough use...
anyway, I wish you happy new year 2010 n family too!
wah..both of u know mandarin.. *salute*
Happy New Year, Bananaz...
CH Voon, appreciate if you can highlight any mistakes that I make in Chinese. Happy 2010
reanaclaire, myself bananaz lah don't know much Chinese just copy and paste and very dependent on the dictionary but possess the passion to learn by ear. Happy New Year 2010.
Growing old gracefully is the way to go. Here's wishing you a wonderful and blessed New Year! :)
Mei Teng, wishing you a new twenty ten year with great abundance.
IMO, chinese want to have sons in a family to carry on the family surname. In the old days, when you are addressed with 'old' it is like saying 'Sir', because old people are regarded to be wise, like the saying, "they have eaten more salt than we eat our rice". Nowadays, many parents have started to plant wisely for their retirement, so they would very much prefer to be independent if they can help. It is extremely good karma if children look after their parents well and they will be rewarded abundantly in life. Wishing you a Very Happy New Year 2010!
Yours can be right but not literally all 100%. some can apply but not all. May it be optimistic that children still care for old parents .worst of all those singles old ppl have to face their lives in the lonely world...!
wishing you a very happy new year!
may blessing fill your home and happiness for your family!
Autumn Belle, Very well explained now learn even much more deeper in Chinese philosophy. Spot on thanks so much just can't catch the word for 'old'. Certainly karma would play an important part in our lifetime. Xiexie. Have a great Happy New Year.
Anonymous, Yeah agree there are children who do take care of their old aged parents currently. Happy New Year.
Ayie, wishing you a bountiful 2010.
Happy new Year to you.
All four of those things are likely in our older age I agree, I intent to enjoy every moment of it I can, before the real rot sets in ..... the dotage! You know, the dressing gown and slippers and comfy chair waited on hand and foot by nurses, not for me thank you.
Happy New Year^^ Hope to see more interesting "bananaz" post:D
Glennis, we must continue to keep our minds active to rid of dotage. Some doctors recommended older folks to play mahjong, cards or get involved with games in computer, best to do blogging haha. Have a great wonderful New Year 2010
Kelvin, Thanks glad you like them, so start preparing, think for age is best to build up the #4 item, your [老本 lǎo běn] nestegg and let the rest of the three items come naturally as years go by. Happy New Year IIOIO.
Bananaz - Happy New Year to you from an equally banana girl here :D
Merryn, Happy New 2010 and go bananaz and have a swing time. Dance more and drink less..haha.
Dear Bananaz, best wishes for the best new year yet and may it be filled with abundance of everything joyful and nice!
HappySurfer, May you have a wonderful & bountiful New Year ll0l0.
Ah! These are all so true. That's why I have no kids. They have their own minds and cannot be controlled all the time. I am a bad example. Since I left home and never go back, it is an example that nobody can expect their children to stay with parents until their last day.
I also agree to all your 4 points - to have a spouse, friends, health and money :o)
A very meaningful post!
just wanna wish you.
Ai Shiang, Thank you. Have a Happy New Year 2010.
ShAKirA CHOONG, Thanks wishing you a Great Happy 2010 Year.
Same to you! 2010 is great year for u !
great concept! Happy New Year!
wenn, thanks and Happy New Year 2010
U kno... after my near death experience back in July 2009... I realized that growing old is actually a privilege. Neway, happy New year, and God bless. :-D
ps: I've added you to my blogroll. i hope you dun mind. =D
Cleffairy, Sorry to hear the fiery experience, read them in your archive. Phew what a narrow escape.
I'm glad to be 'peeled' in your blogroll TQ. Happy New Year 2010.
To be honest, I never hope my son or daughter will take care of me in the future. That's why I will only support them till their school days over. Don't get me wrong, I am not married yet! :)
jam, new generation new thoughts, take it as a bonus if they do support you through old age.:)
I don't want to grow old! I want to remain young forever!
Rely on your children to take care of you in your old age? Don't even hope! They can't even take care of themselves! Haha
Oh, one more thing - better still, don't get married! Stay single! Then you can have all the girlfriends you want (why stick to one? Haha!) and you don't have to lose money in case of a divorce! (read Tiger Woods) : D
yes, that's one good way of thinking.
I appreciate your comment on my friend's blog,
have a nice day.
foongpc, great way of life, que sera sera..haha. TQ
jingle, facts of life live and let live. TQ
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